Notice: Only variables should be passed by reference in /homepages/4/d92360456/htdocs/rsgallery2_J4x_upgrade/plugins/content/remote_markdown/services/provider.php on line 28
Version Version_4.5.1 for J!3x released.
It fixes deprecetad code issues on switch fromPHP 7.2 to PHP 7.4
This release collects also improvements on the site part. The development for the site was interrupted to prepare for a J4x version.
The code was used in one web page. Please report errors in github issues
Previous released version 4.4.1
Main Change: Added (improved) votes display Added (improved) comments display Slideshow configuration online (<== Maintenance) Template configuration online (<== Maintenance)
Ready in Backend:
- Install process
- Control Panel
- Upload
- Gallery list in general
- Image List in general
- J3x RSG configuration merge to J4x Style
Prepared halfway
- J3x DB gallery merge
- J3x DB images merge
- J3x images move to J4x folders (Not needed)
There is still a long way to go
First steps to apply changes to config/galleries/iamges for j4x format
- Galleries are now organized in a nested list
- Images need different gallery IDs (+1) for changed galleries
- Configuration variables will be reorganized according to development "ideas"
We achieved now the download function of images. Which includes the creating of galleries.
By the way we intend to change the directory structure of the images. Whereas in the past the images of all galleries were written into one folder now each gallery will get its own folder where the images are kept per "type" in sub folders. The old J3x style will still be valid.
Have patience and stay with us.
The developer intents to recode most features and get read of the heavy J!1.5/J!2.5 sources.
The control panel is already present.