Here you can see Joomla´s gallery extension RSGallery2 v4.2.0(++) in action on Joomla 3.x.

RSGallery2: A reliable gallery with all basic functions. You only need a few clicks to install it through Joomla's install manager. A few more to create your own galleries. Your website with a gallery is ready to go within a couple of minutes, and it is simple to customise it ot your wished.

A couple of features of RSGallery2:

  • Uploadable types: single, multiple, zip, ftp;
  • Image filetypes: jpeg, png, gif;
  • galleries, sub-galleries, unlimited recursion/nesting;
  • slideshow;
  • dynamic resize for thumbnails and display,
  • keep original image optional; descriptions of images and EXIF display;
  • semantic template HTML w/ CSS for easy customization;
  • Joomfish support and User/visitor commenting and voting.

Please feel free to look around. In case of problems of any kind, you can report them in our Community forum


{rsg2_display: semantic, 3}